Contribute Financially To Help People Living With POTS
The Australian POTS Foundation is a registered charity committed to improving support, education and research for those living with POTS. We are reliant on the generosity of those in the community who wish to partner with us financially to see our mission realised. If you would like to support us in this endeavour then please consider giving financially by clicking on the ‘donate’ button below. Even the smallest amount will help to build a better future for those with POTS in Australia. Your contributions will be used to:
Develop POTS educational material for the general public, clinicians, patients and their carers
Run patient and clinician education sessions and support medical research into POTS
Provide PhD ‘top-up’ scholarships in order to attract Australia’s best young minds into the field of POTS research
Fund community engagement activities that benefit those with POTS in Australia
Provide advocacy for better recognition and provision of POTS treatment in Australia